Airbnb and New York Politicians

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New York politicians are spending an inordinate amount of time fighting Airbnb over the potential loss of an estimated $65M in hotel occupancy and tourist taxes, calling short-term apartment rentals/home sharing illegal under current law – even when you are occupying your home while hosting an Airbnb guest.

Meanwhile, NYC subway stations are home to 3500 transients who spend their days and nights camped out for free in the public spaces or subway cars – despite the efforts of a dedicated team of 14 outreach workers from the Department of Homeless services who cover the 23 square miles of Manhattan (yes, I’m being facetious here)

Once settled, do you suppose any of that extra $65M in taxes will go towards providing food, housing, clothing, or job training to those 3500 homeless souls, or the 60,000 others residing in the New York City shelters?tumblr_mrwwddZOj41qb5e55o1_250

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