A Final Ending of Collectibles

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I have a minor case of OCD. Mostly I tend to alphabetize bookshelves (by author, then by publication date) and make lists of possessions like DVD’s & CD’s. Oh, and when I collect something I want every single one ever created. Sometimes that’s hard when a collectible line started 50 years ago, so I’ve learned not to start collecting those kinds of things (except stamps which I started as a child and kept up over the years).

BUT when something started in the 80’s it is attainable. So I collected tubs and tubs and tubs of:

Beanie Babies, Warner Brothers mini-plush, Disney mini plush, Puffkins and Taco Bell dogs
Star Wars and Star Trek carded figures and ships
Hallmark ornaments (but just the collections I really loved like Gone With the Wind, Wizard of Oz, Pirates, Star Wars, Stark Trek, Disney, etc.)

When I moved to NYC in 2008 I said ENOUGH! So in the months before I moved I took photos of everything I owned in preparation for selling on eBay. I put up one or two collections at a time – emptying those tubs until every last item in very last collection sold.

Two months ago I sold the last of my stamps, this month I sold the last Hallmark ornament and am working on the last few Beanie Baby bears I had foolishly thought to keep.

It has been liberating. And maybe a little sad. But it has certainly helped the bank account each month!

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