Am I Woman, or Rabbit?

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Sex was, after all, so unnecessary.”

Partner after partner, it had certainly done me no good. Why DID I give in? I didn’t have to.

Say, instead, that I wanted to, and we’d be closer to the truth. No one has to.

But I loved him, them, so…or some such.

Love isn’t … that. Love is everything else there can be between a man and a woman, without that.

That’s my test, you see. We are human beings because there are communions between us which are not experienced by – by rabbits, we’ll say. If a man is willing to make some great sacrifice for a woman, it might be a proof of love. Considerateness, chivalry, kindness, patience, the sharing of great books and fine music – these are the things that prove a man. It is hardly a demonstration of manhood for a man to prove that he wants what a rabbit wants as badly as a rabbit wants it.

I would have been a lot happier if I had seen it that way many, many “hims” ago.

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