But Can He Boil Water

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In which Mr. Lucky decides to make deviled eggs.  By himself.  With a stove.  Did I mention “by himself”?

Mr. Lucky’s Famous Deviled Egg Sandwiches

12 eggs
Mayonnaise, mustard, salt, pickle juice, pepper, paprika
Pot, Bowl, Plate, Fork, Knife, Spoon

1. Decide you want deviled eggs.
2. Remove eggs from refrigerator
3. Go find NiciM and ask how to cook eggs.
4. Put water in large soup pot and add eggs.
5. Go find NiciM and ask if Step 4 looks right.
6. Go find smaller pot, remove half of water and add eggs.
7. Put pot of water on stove and turn on burner.
8. Come back 15 minutes later and move pot to the burner that is controlled by the knob you turned.
9. Come back to check on eggs when smoke alarm goes off.
10. Go to store and buy more eggs.
11. Repeat steps 1-7.
12. Check on eggs 15 minutes later when NiciM asks “are the eggs done yet?”
13. Turn off burner and go finish watching TV show.
14. Return 45 minutes later.
15. Attempt to peel eggs.
16. Pry off chunks of eggshell with glued on egg white until egg yolk can be released into bowl.
17. Ask NiciM how to get shell off white chunks and follow instructions involving the use of a teaspoon. Proudly display plate of egg white chunks no more than 1” on any side.
18. Stare dolefully at yolks in bowl, unsure of what to do next and finally ask NiciM to make the deviled part of the deviled eggs.
19. Slather completed devil on egg white chunks. Top with second egg white chunk. Repeat until you run out of egg white chunks.
20. Eat rest of devil with spoon, licking the bowl to get every last drop.

Offer NiciM some of your [funny looking] famous “Deviled Egg Sandwiches”

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