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After the bust of Snowpacolypse #blizzardof2015 I figure it’s time for a little irreverence.  My friend, Daniel Gross, is as irreverent as they come, and during the great snow day of 2015 he posted the following on his FaceBook.  So while I can’t take credit for it – I can certainly pass it along to enjoy!!

And so I’m sitting here trying to reconcile what Christianity says I’m supposed to believe, against what I actually believe.
I’m supposed to believe in God – who is a Holy Trinity consisting of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
I actually believe that an impossibly convoluted, three-headed, sky-zombie makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
I’m supposed to believe that faith is a virtue.
I actually believe that faith is intellectual debauchery.
I’m supposed to believe that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
I actually believe that absence of evidence is no excuse to dream up your own evidence out of thin air.
I’m supposed to believe that our Jesus legend is based on a historical person.
I actually believe that our Jesus legend sounds suspiciously like just another warmed-over version of a primitive, stone-age, super-hero myth.
I’m supposed to believe in prayer.
I actually believe that trying to boss God around by reciting mystic incantations at your own belly button is pointless.
I think my head is hurting.

If he lived any closer, I’d give him a hug for making perfect sense.

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