My Perfect Candidate

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So, what do I want as a candidate?  I consider myself a conservative liberal – or maybe a liberal conservative – depending on the issue.  I am FOR women’s rights, DACA, and gun control, but I’m also for strict criminal sentencing up to, and including, the death penalty where it is legal.  If you do the crime, you do the time.  Run a red light or get caught speeding – you get the fine, points, and potential jail time as written by the law, not some lawyer who gets you off again and again.  On the other hand, I don’t like the third strike you’re out laws for criminal matters, so that’s a mixed bag.

At any rate, what DO I want in a presidential candidate.  I have to go along with N. Gregory Mankow, the Robert M. Beren professor of economics at Harvard University, who also considers himself an independent.  In today’s New York Times he suggests the best candidate for America today would support:

  1. A Return to Freer Trade.  Economic isolationism does not work and hurts low-income Americans.  We should solve economic issues with other countries by working with our allies through the World Trade Organization.
  2. A Market-Based Approach to Climate Change. Climate change is a serious threat but rigid government regulation won’t solve it.  A carbon tax, with all revenue rebated as carbon dividends, would give everyone an incentive to reduce their carbon footprint.
  3. Incremental Health Care Reform. The current system, while imperfect, works well for many people.  Medicare-for-All is a radical step with a high risk of unintended consequences and no reasonable plan to pay the bill.
  4. Embrace of Our Common Humanity and Shared Goals. Our current president, and many of the Democratic candidates, are demonizing the wealthy as if success is shameful. Our next president should bring the people together and offer shared solutions, not taxes on a small sliver of our population.

As Mr. Mankow notes  (and I paraphrase):

“Ms. Warren’s proposed tax on wealth to cover a wildly ambitious social agenda is like the left’s version of building a wall and having Mexico pay for it.”

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