Rush Limbaugh

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Last week a young Georgetown University law student testified before Congress that contraceptives should be part of employer health plans (most specifically the ones being put forth by the Obama administration).

Rush Limbaugh, an ultra-conservative radio and television personality (and I hesitate to call him much more than that) called her a slut and a prostitute on his show. Then he went on to say that if she believed insurance should pay for sex, then she should post her sexual encounters on the internet for all to see. Somehow, I suppose, equating the fact that everyone who pays into an insurance program (including the federal government) has a right to see what the program pays for.

(Funny he didn’t suggest a video of his prostate exam be put up on the internet.)

But I believe Rush Limbaugh may be destined for a far greater accomplishment. Anyone who can bring together such disparate theories as contraceptives covered by insurance and internet sex videos would be the perfect person to marry Einstein’s Theory of Relativity into Quantum Mechanics, thereby find that which has been sought for 50 years – the “Theory of Everything”.

(go head, look it up. If you find the simplified explanation, particularly regarding String Theory, it is quite fascinating)

Oh – I actually wrote this on Saturday morning, and by the time I got around to posting it, Limbaugh had apologized. I think his conscience bothered him less than the sponsors who pulled their advertising from his show.

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