The Moment is Now

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I am at the age where I can’t afford to postpone until tomorrow what needs to be done right away.

Hardly the day started
…and the sun is setting.
…and it’s already Friday
…and the month is almost over
…and the year is almost up
…and already 70 years have passed by
…and my parents, grandparents, and many of my friends are gone
And it’s too late to go back.

Are you prepared for getting older?

–See life for what it is, cherish what you have, enjoy life while you can, and don’t take on society’s troubles or your relative’s affairs.
–Stay humble and respect others. Let go of your attachments, go with the flow and live with equanimity.
–The people by your side will continue to dwindle in numbers.  Learn how to live alone, and to enjoy and embrace the solitude.
–There will be swindlers and scammers along the way.  Beware, and hold your money close to you. A fool and his money are soon parted, so spend your pennies wisely.
–The road ahead will be rocky. You will have to live with illness and ailments and maintain a positive mentality.  Exercise is your duty, encourage yourself to keep at it.
–Society will care less and less about you.  Learn to contend with standing quietly and overcome the urge to be envious or grumble.
–Prepare for a return to the infant state. The nursing staff that will care for you will do all they can.  Lay still and don’t be difficult; remember to be grateful.

Take full advantage of the time you have left.  And eliminate the “after”
I will do it after
I will say it after
I will think about if after

We leave everything for “later” as if “after” was ours.  After all the “afters”, we find it’s often too late.  Don’t lose the best moments, the best experiences, the best friends, and the best family.

The day is today…the moment is “now”.  Have a healthy, happy, holiday season

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