With mid-term elections approaching tomorrow, the television ads for opposing candidates are like tween girls at a canceled Justin Beiber concert (full freakout mode). I’m tired of political ads that tell me what the other guy ISN’T doing. I want ads that tell me not only what the candidate WILL do, but how he will do it, how much it will cost me, and when I can expect it to be done. Is that really too much to ask?
The average man, as George Bailey would say, does most of the working and paying and living and dying in this world. Right now the average man – or woman as the case may be – is worried. The average man is scared.
Social security is in jeopardy and the cost of healthcare is beyond the means of most seniors. Political factions around the world continue to cross borders with impunity killing, maiming and kidnapping civilians for “religious” reasons. Ebola is out of control (while the Maine nurse is riding around on her bicycle screaming about the violation of her civil rights). Our nation’s schools, shopping malls, and seats of government are shooting galleries. There are homeless men on every corner of the largest and richest cities in America. Student’s test scores and reading abilities are plummeting while the media chronicles the volatile mood swings of the stock market with giddy heights of hyperbole.
The average man is told to watch and wait. Things will all calm down, there’s no need to worry, no need to be scared. Everything will be just fine because our government officials are hard at work on our behalf. But it’s about confidence, people – and right now the only weapon in the average man’s hands is the right to vote.
So take the power into your hands, and do it already!